Civil, Structural, Geotechnical & Environmental Engineering




Our fees include travel to the site, field investigation time, laboratory fees where applicable, engineering design, and drafting or report preparation.

Fees are generally quoted on a job specific lump sum basis.

Some projects which may be on going, or variations are quoted on a rate basis at $200 /hour + expenses, ex GST.

Please contact us by telephone for further information or if you wish to discuss your project.

Initial consultations with prospective clients are generally free of charge.

Terms and Conditions

A.F.Legler & Associates

Conditions of Engagement for Consulting Engineering Services

These General Conditions form the basis on which A.F. Legler & Associates (AFLA) will undertake consultancy services. These may be supplemented by special terms and conditions, definitions of services and/or scope of work, and details of fee and expense charges.


The Client shall pay AFLA the fee and the Reimbursable Expenses as set out in the accompanying letter/quote.  All monies payable by the Client to AFLA shall be paid within seven (7) days of invoice date unless previously arranged with the accounts department. If the Client fails to pay the amount due within sixty
(60) days AFLA may implement the provisions outlined in the Building Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 NSW. Where the Client requests verbally or in writing that work outside the scope of AFLA proposal be performed, the additional time spent and costs incurred will be invoiced separately @ $200hr + GST.

If AFLA considers it appropriate to do so, it may with the Client’s prior approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, engage another consultant to assist AFLA in specialist areas. The Client
accepts responsibility for all monies payable to such other consultant.

If the Client wishes to terminate or postpone the work being undertaken by AFLA, it must give AFLA a minimum of seven (7) days’ notice in writing. The Client agrees to pay AFLA the value of work completed by AFLA prior to the termination date and additional cost reasonably incurred in placing its files in order. Inspections cancelled on the day of appointment may incur a cancellation fee.


Quotes are valid for 30 days.


Additional hard copies can be requested at any time and will be charged at $0.15 per A4 page, $0.75 per A3 page, $2.00 per A2 page, $4.00 per A1 page with a minimum charge of $10.


The Client shall provide to AFLA a briefing and all information concerning the Client’s requirement for the commission. AFLA is expected to accept information provided by Client without verifying its
accuracy, unless the Client requests in writing that the information be confirmed.  AFLA reserves the right to
accept no liability for changes to the original scope of work which do not fall within the area of its responsibility. The Client grants a right of entry from time to time to AFLA, its agents, staff, consultants, contractors and subcontractors, for the purpose of performing and with the right to perform all acts, studies and research all necessary permits and licenses required for the continuation of its activities at the site. 48 hours notification is requested for all site inspections.


Only the Client and those persons to whom the Report is to be delivered, are to receive the benefits of this agreement. All other persons or entities are excluded from those benefits.  Documents and Reports prepared by AFLA are to be reviewed and relied upon only by the Client and Other Authorized Recipients.  All documents are client and site specific and cannot be re-used, sold or transferred. Accordingly, the Client agrees that neither it nor other authorized recipients will disclose, reproduce or distribute any AFLA documents or report, in whole or in part, without the express, written permission of AFLA; and Client will indemnify and hold AFLA harmless for any breach of this provision.


AFLA is not a private certifier. Where structural or civil inspections are undertaken for the purpose of building certification to the Building Code of Australia the client shall obtain permission for the work from the Principal
Certifying Authority.


AFLA shall not have any liability in relation to work performed by any third party. The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless AFLA against all claims, costs and demands by any third party in respect of or in connection with its services. The Client recognizes that the use of exploration and test equipment may unavoidably affect, alter or damage the terrain and affect subsurface vegetation, buildings, structures and equipment
in, at or upon the site.  The Client hereby acknowledges that fact that this is inherent to AFLA's work and will not
hold AFLA liable or responsible for any such effect, alteration or damage.

AFLA will not be liable for any property damage or bodily injury arising from damage to, or interference with surface or subterranean structures (including, without limitation, pipes, tanks, telephone cables, etc.), which are not called to AFLA's attention in writing. If, during the performance of AFLA's services, any unforeseen Hazardous Substances or Constituents or other unforeseen conditions or occurrences are encountered
which, in AFLA's sole judgment, significantly affect the services, the risk involved in providing such services, or the recommended scope of services, AFLA will promptly notify the Client thereof. 

Subsequent to the notification AFLA may:

  • If practicable, in AFLA's sole judgment, complete the original scope of services
    in accordance with the terms set forth herein;

  • Agree with the Client to modify the scope of services and the estimate of charges to
    include study of the previously unforeseen conditions or occurrences, such
    revision to be in writing and signed by the parties and incorporated herein; or

  • Terminate the Services effective on the date specified by AFLA in writing.

AFLA shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Agreement to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood explosion, war, strike, embargo, government requirements, civil or military authority, acts of God, act or omission of subcontractors, carriers, Client or other similar causes beyond AFLA's control.

AFLA shall not be held responsible if building works are not carried out in accordance with our plans or specifications.


If the Client is in breach of any obligation to make a payment, AFLA may request the return of all supplied documents and all copies thereof. Any dispute between the Client and AFLA shall first be the subject of mediation provided that this provision shall not prevent AFLA from instituting legal action at any time to recover moneys owing by the Client to AFLA.
Whilst we endeavour to satisfy the needs of our clients, the results may not always be as expected. Clients need to meet their obligations in regards to payment of accounts regardless of the outcome or any reports, plans or specifications.


Acceptance of the quote is to be considered acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.


➤ location

11 Ives Street

Pambula NSW 2549

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM

☎ Contact